ODR Inc. is now recognized as a Washington non-profit (UBI number 604-027-779). I have also applied for DBA to become Washington Dachshund Rescue. I’m waiting on paperwork for a Washington business license and it should be completed before end of year. Oregon Dachshund Rescue, Inc. will officially be doing business as Washington Dachshund Rescue soon. I am honored to make this announcement and look forward to this extremely rewarding adventure.
This adventure started when a few northwest rescues started working with Los Angeles rescues. L.A. County Animal Control and their District Attorney began investigating potentially dishonest dealings and the transfer of dogs. In their desperate attempt to save our furry friends, they found cases where there were no health certificates, forged health certificates and non-existent paper trails. The sad fact is people were impersonating Washington rescues, taking doxies and chiweenies from LA shelters, bringing them back to Washington State and then selling them out of the back of their vehicle in a grocery store parking lot. Thanks to an alert bystander, who took photos of the sale of these innocent babies, there is now an ongoing investigation.
Los Angeles County representatives began searching for a proven, honest organization they could trust. Once they found that in ODR, Inc., we were asked to become registered in the state of Washington in order to help stop this practice of illegally selling our beloved breed. 40% of our surrender requests this year have come from the state of Washington. Therefore, we urgently need more help and additional volunteers in the state of Washington. To give even more perspective, ODR, Inc. has received over 80 surrender requests in just the last 90 days! You can’t imagine the heartache we all feel at Oregon Dachshund Rescue, Inc. when there are no fosters available or funds to cover the expenses that come with taking in the overwhelming amount of surrendered dachshunds.
As always, we continue to find backyard breeders who are failing to live up to the commitment that comes with breeding dogs. There are so many unwanted doxies in the northwest and California, then add the breeders who are selling puppies to anyone and everyone who feels they want a doxie. Sadly, many of these new doxie owners didn’t put enough thought and research into their purchase, don’t understand the breed and ultimately ask to surrender. This has to stop!!!! Oregon Dachshund Rescue fights this battle by watching Craigslist very closely. We will send a very strong and graphic warning letter to the owners about the dangers of using Craigslist to rehome their pet. We will help the owners financially with their vet bills if it will help them be able to keep their beloved pet, and we will buy any unsprayed or unneutered dachshund listed on Craigslist in order to stop the cycle of back yard breeding and abuse.
Please consider joining our army of Doxie Angels, by visiting and fill out the volunteer application. Once we have received your application, we will contact you regarding your areas of interest within our organization. We are in desperate need of Foster parents, transporters, Craigslist watchers and general investigators. Most importantly, consider becoming a monthly donator. We are entirely volunteer operated and funded solely by the generous donations from dachshund lovers like yourself. We are so grateful for all the donations and no amount is too small.
Help us continue to fight human greed and be the voice for the voiceless! You can call me or email me anytime. or (503) 313-3220.
Very sincerely,