Bella & Rocky

This is a photo of sweet loving ODR inc volunteer Bella and Rocky. She is frail and fragile but still makes all the beautiful blankets for the doxies and has donated much of her extensive doxie collection to the ODR inc auction. I am extremely upset tonight to tears. Bella has had my Rocky for 3 yrs plus now. Rocky is her total life. She has been calling me for weeks suspecting her family was going to take Rocky away from her. Bella adores Rocky more than I can even explain to you. Rocky is what keeps her young and going. Her family decided to move Bella to a new apartment and was unwilling to pay the pet deposit. I offered to help pay the $500 pet fee and they did not accept. Bella has been a faithful ODR inc volunteer for many many years and she loves Rocky with all her heart. She cannot live without Rocky, this is the truth!!! I have begged and begged her family not to do this. Today they decided was the day, I was frightened they would take Rocky to be euthanized as Bella called me in tears. I was so worried about her and Rocky that I sent volunteer Gary G over to check on them. Rocky is with me now and obviously very depressed and confused. I ask all you FB followers to please pray for Bella and send her positive thoughts. I'm so worried about her. This is a very serious bond the two have. I honestly hope that Bella survives the night without Rocky she is a frail senior. I have offered not to adopt Rocky out so he can live the rest of his life with me. I also offered to bring him into Portland to visit with Bella weekly but have not had confirmation from her family. My heart is so heavy tonight that I can hardly write this post. I am very concerned for sweet Bella, her heart is so broken. ODR inc volunteers PLEASE call her. My facebook friends please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I have known Bella a long time and I'm in fear she just might not survive this broken heart.
I love you Bella!!!!!