Wonderful News!

Our adorable puppy, Heidi was adopted. Thank you Ginny, and also a Big Thank you to Teri O. for fostering. Heidi's new home has a large secure fenced backyard and a beautiful home. It is just the ticket for an active new puppy. Mom and Dad are so excited about a new baby in the house; and another thank you to Cindy Green for doing the home yard inspection this is so appreciated.
Jenell also saved two more adorable Doxies today. More info to come keep watching our blog and social media for updates!
Thank you also to Sandy P., for the huge donation of blankets and bully sticks. BIG thank you to Linda T., for the handmade doxie quilt for Linda's auction, its totally awesome, keep your eyes open for the addition of this item, and also for the blankets for the rescues.
Paws up Joanne L., we love all the really cool items for Linda's auction and the donations for the Doxies, they LOVE the toys.
We still need desperately need Bully sticks HELP! We have to keep the rescues busy.
Thank you all so much couldn't do it without you!