July is IVDD Awareness Month!
IVDD is NOT a Death Sentence (Part 1 in a series) by Joanna Part I: The story of Charlie K Chapter 1; Anticipation We have fostered...

Bella & Rocky
This is a photo of sweet loving ODR inc volunteer Bella and Rocky. She is frail and fragile but still makes all the beautiful blankets...

Wonderful News!
Our adorable puppy, Heidi was adopted. Thank you Ginny, and also a Big Thank you to Teri O. for fostering. Heidi's new home has a large...

ODR Inc. is now recognized as a Washington non-profit (UBI number 604-027-779). I have also applied for DBA to become Washington...
Welcome to our news blog!
Please check back here for frequent news, stories and updates from us here at ODR, Inc. We look forward to keeping you in the loop with...